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Monokle Desktop tests are written with Playwright.

Run Tests

First create a build to run the tests

npm run electron:build

To run specific tests

npm run ui-test -- tests/<filename>.test.ts

To run all the tests

npm run ui-test

Write & Extend Tests

To start writing tests first create a build(tests are run against the build which will be published), any changes made to the source code, adding identifiers, changing logic will need a new build for those changes to be in the tests

npm run electron:build

The startApp() function should be called and that will start a new Monokle Desktop instance with the automation flag set. More examples of tests can be found in the ./tests folder The automation flag is used to change some handlers which cannot be automated by playwright since they are open by the specific OS's

Models should contain most of the logic, we can think of models a mirror for some components in the app with some logic and identifiers for certain elements. Having most of the logic in the models can help with reusing most of the logic we have around tests and more lightweight tests.

Overriding OS Actions

To change handlers such as dialog.showOpenDialogSync the function getChannelName('channel-name') should be called when creating a new handler on ipcRenderer, this will create different handler just for automation. To add a new handler in automation something like this is required:

const name = 'some-value';
const chanel = getChannelName('channel-name', true);
await electronApp.evaluate(({ ipcMain }, params) => {
ipcMain.handle(, () => {
return [];
}, { chanel, name });
