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OpenAPI extension

Kusk comes with an OpenAPI extension to accommodate everything within an OpenAPI spec to make that a real source of truth for all objects that can be generated. Every single CLI option can be set within the x-kusk extension. The extension can be specified at the root, path and operation levels.

Properties Overview

The following top-level properties are available:

property root path operation Amb 1.X Amb 2.X LinkerD Ing-Nginx Traefik
disabled X X X X X X X X
host X X X X X X X X
cors X X X X X X X
rate_limits X X X X X X
timeouts X X X X X X X X
namespace X X X X X X
service X X X X X X
path X X X X X X
cluster X X
host X X X X
nginx_ingress X X

Property Overriding/inheritance

x-kusk extension at the operation level takes precedence, i.e. overrides, what's specified at the path level, including the disabled option. Likewise, the path level settings override what's specified at the global level.

If settings aren't specified at a path or operation level, it will inherit from the layer above. (Operation > Path > Global)

Top-level properties


This boolean property allows you to disable the corresponding path/operation, allowing you to "hide" internal operations from being published to end users.

When set to true at the top level all paths will be hidden; you will have to override specific paths/operations with disabled: false to make those operations visible.


This string property sets a corresponding Ingress host rule.


The cors object sets properties for configuring CORS for your API

Name Description
origins list of HTTP origins accepted by the configured operations
methods list of HTTP methods accepted by the configured operations
headers list of HTTP headers accepted by the configured operations
expose_headers list of HTTP headers exposed by the configured operations
credentials boolean flag for requiring credentials
max_age the max age of the

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.

Rate Limits

Options for configuring rate-limiting.

Name Description
rps requests-per-seconds
burst burst allowance
group rate-limiting group

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.


Options for configuring request timeouts

Name Description
request_timeout total request timeout (in seconds)
idle_timeout timeout for idle connections (in seconds)

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.


This string property sets the namespace for the generated resource. Default value is "default".


The service object sets the target service to receive traffic, it contains the following properties:

Name Description
namespace the namespace containing the upstream Service
name the upstream Service's name
port the upstream Service's port. Default value is 80

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.


The path object contains the following properties to configure service endpoints paths:

Name Description
base Base is the preceding prefix for the route (i.e. /your-prefix/here/rest/of/the/route). Default value is "/"
trim_prefix TrimPrefix is the prefix that would be omitted from the URL when request is being forwarded to the upstream service, i.e. given that Base is set to "/petstore/api/v3", TrimPrefix is set to "/petstore", path that would be generated is "/petstore/api/v3/pets", URL that the upstream service would receive is "/api/v3/pets".
split forces Kusk to generate a separate resource for each Path or Operation, where appropriate

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.


The cluster object contains a set of cluster-wide properties.

Name Description
cluster_domain the base DNS domain for the cluster. Default value is "cluster.local".

Please see the documentation for each individual generator to see which of these properties they support and how they apply.


A string specifying an Ingress host rule - see for additional documentation.

Ingress Nginx

Options specific to the ingress-nginx controller

Name Description
rewrite_target RewriteTarget is a custom rewrite target for ingress-nginx, see for additional documentation.

Basic Example

The following sets cors, service and path properties at the global level, but disables the PUT operation at /pet

      - http://foo.example
      - POST
      - GET
      - OPTIONS
      - Content-Type
    credentials: true
      - X-Custom-Header
    max_age: 86400
    name: petstore
    port: 80
    base: /petstore/api/v3
    trim_prefix: /petstore
          disabled: true
          - pet
        summary: Update an existing pet
        description: Update an existing pet by Id
        operationId: updatePet

Merging vanilla OpenAPI yaml file and x-kusk extension

There are situations when you want to keep your OpenAPI file pristine and not add x-kusk extension to it. E.g. if you generate it during the build each time, or if you have multiple environments that have different x-kusk overrides per env.

You can always add x-kusks enabled YAML file with extention keys and merge it with your OpenAPI file. The resulting file can be consumed by Kusk for Ingress generation.

For that, you'll need to use yt tool.




and x-kusk.yaml enabled:

  disabled: false
      - http://foo.example
      - http://bar.example
      - POST
      - GET
      - OPTIONS
      - Content-Type
    credentials: true
      - X-Custom-Header
    max_age: 86400
    name: petstore
    port: 80
    base: /petstore/api/v3
    trim_prefix: /petstore
      disabled: false
        disabled: true

Running the tool:

yq eval-all 'select(fileIndex == 0) * select(fileIndex == 1)'  x-kusks.yaml petstore.yaml
will produce merged yaml, ready to be used by Kusk. Note, though, that the order of keys in the resulting map can be different.

If you use JSON for your OpenAPI file, the same result can be achieved with jq.